The Pivot Program empowers its members to ‘pivot’ and seek new lucrative career opportunities in the technology industry. The Pivot Program seeks to help remove obstacles for intelligent, hard-working, marginalized workers who have an aptitude for creative problem-solving and strong communication skills.

It’s your time to Pivot

Regardless of the path you took to get here, you are here now.

Our purpose

The Pivot Program enables its members to ‘pivot’ and seek new lucrative career opportunities in the technology industry.  The Pivot Program seeks to help remove obstacles for intelligent, hard-working, marginalized workers who have an aptitude for creative problem-solving and strong communication skills. 

Talent shortages and diversity gaps in the technology industry present a unique opportunity for workers to achieve gainful employment and advancement opportunities regardless of the hardship that has impacted their career options.

Member demographics

Members of the Pivot Project all share something in common.  They have at least one limiting factor that has kept them from a lucrative career, such as:

  • Lack of opportunity and training

  • Lack of formal education

  • Poverty and/or instability

  • Family circumstances such as caring for a loved one or in an abusive relationship

  • Medical challenges preventing them from aggressively pursuing high-demand jobs

  • Lack of confidence

Method of training

Members will enroll in virtual training that offers flexible learning and working opportunities.  Utilizing an online learning platform, members can obtain technical training in the Power Platform.

We utilize cohorts for our training. Members will be assigned a cohort based on common interests like goals, experience and time availability.


The Pivot Program was inspired by the journeys of three underemployed individuals with an aptitude for creative problem-solving and strong communication skills, who broke into the industry through sheer luck.